Grant Funding for F O H W

24.03.2023 | Latest News

Ripon City Council recently resolved to award the Friends of Hell Wath £1,000 per year for four years with effect from 1st April 2023. These annual grants will support our work in three key areas:

Surveying, managing and improving habitats to encourage wildlife, especially in the Local Nature Reserve. A tree survey is a priority as we have ancient and veteran on site which need protecting; and dead and dying trees which need managing and replacing. Ongoing funding will enable us to plan for woodland, grassland and scrub management using a combination of contractor and volunteer activities.

Increasing visitor awareness and understanding of Hell Wath’s natural and historic resources through the provision of on-site and digital information. The Skell Valley Project is helping us begin this work.

Increasing engagement with the local community through the provision of on site activities, such as the successful Forest Schools events held in the summer. Ongoing funding will enable us to plan for innovative ways to engage with local schools, groups, residents and visitors.

The Friends of Hell Wath wish to thank Ripon City Council for their continued and valuable support.