What We Do
We Organise Activities
We are a ‘hands-on ’charity. We organise ‘Volunteer Days’ throughout the year to undertake tasks to maintain and manage Hell Wath. Our aim is to look after Hell Wath to keep it as a valuable green space for people to enjoy and nature to thrive.
We have prepared a Management Plan which sets out our aim and objectives and guides the decisions we make. Volunteers complete a ‘Site Walk’ each Spring to identify any issues that need attention and work that needs to be done. From this we devise an ‘Activity Plan’ which sets out our planned monthly Volunteer Days.
Members Activity Group Meetings
We organise regular Members Activity Group meetings at which members participate in discussions about past and future activities. This is an important part of the charity’s review and decision-making process.
Go to Latest News and Upcoming Events to look at our recent and planned activities.
You can read notes from our latest MAG Meeting here.
Develop Relationships With Partner Organisations
The Friends of Hell Wath do not own, and do not have direct responsibility for Hell Wath; nor do we have the financial resources to undertake major works on site. Instead we are advocates for Hell Wath and we actively lobby for works to be completed. We work constructively with a number of organisations to fulfil our charitable aims and objectives.
Harrogate Borough Council hold the land under the terms of a 99 year lease. We help their Countryside Rangers to identify issues and liaise with them to organise work that needs to be done on site.
Skell Valley Project
The Skell Valley Project is a major National Lottery Heritage Fund initiative, supported by the National Trust and Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Friends of Hell Wath were invited to become one of the project partners. This has given us access to funding, resources and a network of local organisations delivering both short and long term benefits to Hell Wath.
To find out more please visit the Skell Valley Project
To see the latest newsletter: Skell Valley Project Newsletter January 2023
Ripon City Council have awarded us a number of annual grants to support the work of the Friends of Hell Wath, funding the purchase of fences, benches and tools.
North Yorkshire County Council have funded some important infrastructure work on site, in particular reconstruction of a riverside footpath.
We also raise money from membership fees, individual and corporate donations, grants from Councils and other bodies and from the Local Lotto.
© Friends of Hell Wath 2025. All Rights Reserved. Site by Bronco